I am taking a hiatus from blogging. The posts I now add will be unedited and unpolished, please forgive me. I am using this platform as a storage place for interesting things. I am currently focusing on editing wikipedia articles on contemporary art instead. I encourage you to do the same and to follow still very active blogs like hyperallergic, c-monster, bldgblog, and more. thanks you.

Armory: some artists I didn't know but won't forget

Patrik AarnivaaraA Slightly Different Time (2010), is similar to the installation on view at Galleri Charlotte Lund. His work was really nice to experience and the staff was really friendly.

Jonathan Schipper, To Dust. This is a time sensitive installation where the two hanging sculptures are rubbing against one another until they are reduced to dust. awesome. There was a conceptually similar installation of his at Pierogi's space.

Heather Carson had a little work on display, at Nyehaus. But this work above, Light/CUBED, 2005. is awesome.


  1. How are those two pieces rubbing together? Is there a couple motors that keep them slightly swinging for all time. Or are they just sitting there. Nice concept. But not something I would willingly sit in front of for hours to slowly watch it go away.

  2. "Two sculptures are hung from a mechanism that gently grinds them into each other. The sculptures will slide against one another for many years creating new unimagined form. This image is a detail of the sculptures the mechanism is 9 feet above and not in this photo. "

    I got it.

  3. Some mechanical something that keeps them moving. I agree, but wouldn't it be nice in a sculpture garden?
