I am taking a hiatus from blogging. The posts I now add will be unedited and unpolished, please forgive me. I am using this platform as a storage place for interesting things. I am currently focusing on editing wikipedia articles on contemporary art instead. I encourage you to do the same and to follow still very active blogs like hyperallergic, c-monster, bldgblog, and more. thanks you.

Favorites: Beat Nite

Ash Sechler's light installation at Fortress to Solitude. Above the main gallery there was a projected white rectangle on the wall. Just when I was about to give up and leave, a small puff of fog came out in front of the projection, capturing the ephemeral smoke on the wall and making the projected light in the room solid.  The fog slowly dissipated as it was sucked into the projectors cooling fan. This was a really cool capturing of a natural phenomena and I was impressed by this installation because it forced me to stand still for more than ten minutes, a rare occurrence for me in a gallery.

Jonathan Chapline, Found Identities: Portrait in the Woods at Curbs and Stoops. Although I honestly rarely like painting or drawing, these large charcoal works about memory were really nice.

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