I am taking a hiatus from blogging. The posts I now add will be unedited and unpolished, please forgive me. I am using this platform as a storage place for interesting things. I am currently focusing on editing wikipedia articles on contemporary art instead. I encourage you to do the same and to follow still very active blogs like hyperallergic, c-monster, bldgblog, and more. thanks you.

Finally On Art:21

I finallllly made it onto Art:21's blog! If only for Richard McCoy's article about his top ten phone photographs of 2010. He included a photograph of Kaylee and me in front of a show of contemporary photography I organized in March of 2010. The show took place behind Christopher West Presents inside a uhaul truck in Indianapolis.

1 comment:

  1. THIS IS AWESOME!!!! congrats dude, art21 is great. you so cool and gunna be famous.
